Friday, April 28, 2017

You Are a Masterpiece

This blog is dedicated for those who suffer with mental illnesses. Although I am not a doctor or a counselor that is able to give any professional medical advice, I am a Christian, and my blog’s purpose is to encourage those with mental illnesses. Because of the nature of this blog, please do not share any personal information including: where you live, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, FB accounts and last names. This will ensure the privacy of individuals. My name is Jennifer, and I welcome you!

Did you know that you are a masterpiece? God created you the way He did with a very unique purpose in mind for you. In His economy, there are NO such things as mistakes. However, because of the fallen world that we live in, we still are born into sin and therefore suffer its consequences. This includes people who have physical disabilities, and just as well, mental. Because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for us, we are given the opportunity to accept Him as our Savior after we ask Him to forgive our sins. Romans 10:9 states, “That if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in our hearts that He has risen from the dead, then we are saved.” Then, and only then, with Christ in our hearts are we able to fulfill our lives’ purpose.

In 2007, I was diagnosed as having bipolar 1 schizo-effective disorder. I was released from the hospital after a two week stay. It took one year to get on the right medications and to become stabilized. There were many ups and downs that have followed, and continue to today. Christ has been my Rock, and my family, my support. Christ can help you, too, overcome any obstacle facing you. Remember this for today: There is NO shame in having a mental disability! God bless you.